A group of our very own Jugglers not only competed at the VexWorld Robotics in April of 2024 , they placed 14th in the world! They were also the entertainment for the opening ceremonies representing CCFI with their juggling skills. Click the above link to watch! Congratulations Kyler Hanson, Kevin Nord, Corey Nord and Kaden Hanson!

July 11 - July 19, 2025

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of All Ages, Welcome to Peru, Indiana, the Circus Capital of the World and home to the Peru Amateur Youth Circus and Circus City Festival, Inc.! We are home to one of the most wonderfully unique youth programs in the world. Every year local youth get the opportunity to practice and perform in all varieties of circus acts from tumbling to the flying trapeze! In mid-July, the youth showcase their talents with a week full of performances in our very own permanent big top! The performances are part of the Circus City Festival, which includes rides, games, food, and much more! Of course, this wouldn't be possible without all of our volunteers, sponsors, and our many patrons every year. Please come see for yourselves!

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You too can become a member of Circus City Festival, Inc.! We have a variety of membership levels for you to choose from. Your membership helps provide financial support for our organization, while also strengthening the organization’s community bonds both locally and abroad. Click below to learn more.